"Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it."
Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988)

"Dio e' un'ipotesi di cui non ho bisogno."
Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749-1827)

Seminario per l'Ammissione al terzo anno del Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica (XV ciclo 23/10/2001)
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Seminario del ciclo "Percorsi nella Fisica"
In PDF ~3.8 MB
Presentazione Finale del Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica (13/12/2002)
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Tesi di Dottorato
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Seminario su Phoebus
Abstract In PDF 72 KB
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Titolo della Tesi di Laurea:
L'eta' dei raggi cosmici nel disco galattico
Progetto di Ricerca:
Messa a punto di un programma di simulazione con il metodo Montecarlo per la propagazione dei Raggi Cosmici nel disco galattico. Si sono pertanto calcolate le medie dei tempi di permanenza nel disco e le medie nella cavita' solare con particolare attenzione alla distribuzione delle direzioni, dell'energia e dei tempi medi di arrivo.

Titolo della Tesi di Dottorato:
Studio del rumore termico in regime di stazionarieta' e di non-stazionarieta' per l'interferometro VIRGO
Progetto di Ricerca:
Il rumore termico rappresenta il limite principale per la sensibilita' dell'Interferometro Virgo nell'intervallo di frequenze compreso tra i 5 ed i 500 Hz.
In regime di stazionarieta' tale limite puo' essere ridotto scegliendo con accuratezza il materiale e la geometria dell'ultimo stadio di sospensione delle ottiche dell'interferometro.
Per tale ragione si e' studiato un tipo di sospensione innovativa rispetto a quella attuale usando fibre di quarzo come elemento di sospensione.
Tramite l'uso di una simulazione si e' studiato come ottenere un miglioramento della sensibilita' in regime di non-stazionarieta' usando il rilassamento all'equilibrio termodinamico. Per questo scopo si discute infine la realizzazione nell'immediato futuro di un esperimento.
Partecipazioni a Scuole di Dottorato:
Giornate di studio su "Fisica delle Particelle, Astrofisica e Cosmologia"
22-24 Ottobre 2000
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (AQ)
Physics - Signal - Physics: On the links between nonlinear physics and information sciences
8-13 Settembre 2002
Ecole de Physique, Les Houches (F)

Attuali progetti di ricerca: ----> N.i.P.S Laboratory
VIRGO (Minimizzazione del rumore termico per l'interferometro VIRGO)
LISA (Studio delle proprieta' fisiche di materiali per fibre sottili per lo sviluppo di un pendolo di torsione per misure a terra sulla massa di prova - Simulazione del processo di carica della massa di prova dovuto ai raggi cosmici)
PHOEBUS (PHysics Of Events BUrsted by the Sun - Proposal (Dicembre 2004) per lo studio della dinamica delle Coronal Mass Ejections e per lo Space Weather utilizzando i rivelatori di particelle posti a bordo dei satelliti di LISA)
Lettera di supporto del COST 724
WISEPOWER (Progetto Spin Off dell'Universita' degli studi di Perugia: Energia dall'ambiente per l'alimentazione di dispositivi elettronici)

- "Response of silicon multistrip detectors and a cesium iodide scintillator to a calcium ion beam of 0.5 GeV/u." A.Codino, M.Miozza, M.T.Brunetti, B.Checcucci, C.Federico, C.Grimani, M.Lanfranchi, T.Macchiaiolo, M.Menichelli, P.Maffei, F.Plouin, H.Vocca. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 398 (1997) 315-323
- "The residence time of cosmic ray protons in the halo of the Milky Way." A.Codino and H.Vocca. Proceedings of Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. 26th (Salt Lake City, Utah, 17-25 august 1999) 4-314
- "The Beryllium age observable at the boundary of the solar cavity." A.Codino and H.Vocca. Proceedings of Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. 26th (Salt Lake City, Utah, 17-25 august 1999) 4-156
- "Saturation effects in the response of silicon strip detectors exposed to Carbon, Calcium and Ruthenium ion beams." F.Plouin, C.Bellachioma, M.T.Brunetti, A.Codino, C.Grimani, M.Lanfranchi, M.Miozza and H.Vocca. Proceedings of Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. 26th (Salt Lake City, Utah, 17-25 august 1999) 5-45
- "Thermal noise limit in the Virgo mirror suspension." P.Amico, L.Carbone, C.Cattuto, L.Gammaitoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso and H.Vocca. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, Vol 461/1-3, pp 297-299 Apr.2001
- "The Thermal noise limit to the Virgo sensitivity." P.Amico, L.Bosi, L.Carbone, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, R.Mischianti, M.Punturo, F.Travasso, H.Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18 (2001) 4127-4131
- "Age of Cosmic Beryllium and Grammage Inferred by the Unstable-to-Stable Beryllium Isotopic Ratio." A.Codino and H.Vocca. Proceedings of Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. 27th (Hamburg, Germany 07-15 August 2001)
- "Mechanical quality factor of large mirror substrates for Gravitational Waves detectors." P.Amico, L.Bosi, L.Carbone, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso and H.Vocca. Review of Scientific Instruments -- January 2002 -- Volume 73, Issue 1 pp. 179-184
- "The present status of the VIRGO Central Interferometer." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1421-1428
- "The VIRGO suspensions." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1623-1629
- "The inertial damping of the VIRGO superattenuator and the residual motion of the mirror." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1631-1637
- "Mechanical quality factor of mirror substrates for Virgo." P.Amico, L.Carbone, C.Cattuto, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso, H.Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1663-1668
- "Fused silica suspension for the Virgo optics: status and perspectives." P.Amico, L.Carbone, C.Cattuto, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso, H.Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1669-1674
- "The VIRGO injection system." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1829-1833
- "Interferometer signal detection system for the VIRGO experiment." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (2002) 1857-1863
- "Last stage control and mechanical transfer function measurement of the VIRGO suspensions." Virgo Collaboration. Review of Scientific Instruments -- May 2002 -- Volume 73, Issue 5
- "Monolithic fused silica suspension for the Virgo Gravitational Waves detector." P.Amico, L.Bosi, L.Carbone, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso and H.Vocca. Review of Scientific Instruments -- September 2002 -- Volume 73, Issue 9
- "A parallel Beowulf-based system for the detection of gravitational waves in interferometric detectors." P.Amico, L.Bosi, C.Cattuto, L.Gammaitoni, F.Marchesoni, M.Punturo, F.Travasso and H.Vocca. Computer Physics Communications 153 (2003) 179-189
- "Comparison between computed and measured response of silicon strip detectors exposed to Carbon,Calcium and Ruthenium ion beams." A.Codino, F.Plouin, C.Bellachioma, M.T.Brunetti, B.Checcucci, C.Federico, M.Lanfranchi, P.Maffei, M.Miozza, and H.Vocca. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol 211/1, pp 107-116 Sept.2003
- "Status of VIRGO." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 20 (2003) S609-S616
- "Status of the VIRGO experiment." F.Beauville et al. Como 2003, Astroparticle, particles and space physics, detectors and medical physics applications, (2003) 277-287
- "Data analysis methods for non-Gaussian, nonstationary and nonlinear features and their application to VIRGO." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 20 (2003) S915-S924
- "Thermal noise reduction for present and future gravitational wave detectors." P. Amico, L. Bosi, L. Gammaitoni, G. Losurdo, F. Marchesoni, M. Mazzoni, M. Punturo, R. Stanga, A. Toncelli, M. Tonelli, F. Travasso, F. Vetrano and H. Vocca. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol 518, pp 240-243 Feb.2004
- "Search for inspiralling binary events in the Virgo Engineering Run data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S709-S716
- "A first test of a sine-Hough method for the detection of pulsars in binary systems using the E4 Virgo engineering run data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S717-S727
- "Cosmic-ray spectra near the LISA orbit." C Grimani, H Vocca, M Barone, R Stanga, F Vetrano, A Viceré, P Amico, L Bosi, F Marchesoni, M Punturo and F Travasso. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S629-S633
- "Simulation of the charging process of the LISA test masses due to solar flares." H Vocca, C Grimani, P Amico, L Bosi, F Marchesoni, M Punturo, F Travasso, M Barone, R Stanga, F Vetrano and A Viceré. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S665-S670
- "The last-stage suspension of the mirrors for the gravitational wave antenna Virgo." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S425-S432
- "Properties of seismic noise at the Virgo site." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S433-S440
- "Status of VIRGO." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S385-S394
- "Results of the Virgo central interferometer commissioning." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S395-S402
- "A computational test facility for distributed analysis of gravitational wave signals." P Amico, L Bosi, C Cattuto, L Gammaitoni, M Punturo, F Travasso and H Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S847-S851
- "The VIRGO large mirrors: a challenge for low loss coatings" The VIRGO Collaboration. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S935-S945
- "Monocrystalline fibres for low thermal noise suspension in advanced gravitational wave detectors." P Amico, L Bosi, L Gammaitoni, G Losurdo, F Marchesoni, M Mazzoni, D Parisi, M Punturo, R Stanga, A Toncelli, M Tonelli, F Travasso, F Vetrano and H Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 21 (2004) S1009-S1013
- "A local control system for the test masses of the Virgo gravitational wave detector." F.Acernese et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume 20, Issue 6 (2004) 617-628
- "First locking of the Virgo central area interferometer with suspension hierarchical control." F.Acernese et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume 20, Issue 6 (2004) 629-640
- "The commissioning of the central interferometer of the Virgo gravitational wave detector." F.Acernese et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2004) 1-22
- "Lock acquisition of the central interferometer of the gravitational wave detector Virgo." F.Acernese et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume 21, Issue 5 (2004) 465-477
- "Automatic mirror allignement for VIRGO: first experimental demonstration of the Anderson technique on a large-scale interferometer." F.Acernese et al. gr-qc/0411116 (2004)
- "VIRGO and the worldwide search for gravitational waves." F.Acernese et al. AIP Conf.Proc., 751 (2005) 92-100
- "VIRGO Status and commissioning results." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S185-S191
- "LISA test-mass charging process due to cosmic-ray nuclei and electrons." C Grimani, H Vocca, G.Bagni, L.Marconi, R Stanga, F Vetrano, A Viceré, P Amico, L.Gammaitoni, F Marchesoni. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S327-S332
- "Simulation of the charging processes of the LISA test masses due to solar particles." H Vocca, C Grimani, P Amico, L Gammaitoni, F Marchesoni, G Bagni, L Marconi, R Stanga, F Vetrano, A Viceré. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S319-S325
- "Solar physics with LISA." C.Grimani and H.Vocca. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S333-S338
- "Measurement of the seismic attenuation performance of the VIRGO superattenuator." S.Braccini et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume 23, Issue 6 (2005) 557-565
- "NAP: A tool for noise data analysis. Application to Virgo engineering runs." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S1041-S1049
- "A first study of environmental noise coupling to the Virgo interferometer." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S1069-S1077
- "Testing the detection pipelines for inspirals with Virgo commissioning run C4 data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S1139-S1148
- "A simple line detection algorithm applied to Virgo data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S1189-S1196
- "The VIRGO detector." F.Acernese et al. AIP Conf.Proc., Volume 794, Issue 1, (2005) 307-310
- "Status of VIRGO." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005) S869-S880
- "First characterization of silicon crystalline fibers produced with the mu-pulling technique for future gravitational wave detectors." Alshourbagy et al. Review of Scientific Instruments -- Apr 2006 -- Volume 77, Issue 4
- "Measurement of the thermoelastic properties of crystalline Si fibres." Alshourbagy et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S277-S285
- "Testing Virgo burst detection tools on commissioning run data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S197-S205
- "The status of coalescing binaries search code in Virgo, and the analysis of C5 data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S187-S196
- "The Virgo automatic alignment system." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S91-S101
- "The variable finesse locking technique." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S85-S89
- "The status of VIRGO." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S63-S69
- "Normal/independent noise in VIRGO data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S829-S836
- "The Virgo status." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23 (2006) S635-S642
- "SEP flux mapping with PHOEBUS." C.Grimani et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 32 (2006) 6-11
- "A parallel in-time analysis system for Virgo." F.Acernese et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 32 (2006) 35-43
- "Environmental noise studies in Virgo." F.Acernese et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 32 (2006) 80-88
- "Virgo upgrade investigations." F.Acernese et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 32 (2006) 223-229
- "Investigation on mechanical losses in TiO2/SiO2 dielectric coatings." P.Amico et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 32 (2006) 413-417
- "Status of Virgo." F.Acernese et al. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 39 (2006) 32-35
- "Solar And Cosmic Ray Physics And The Space Environment: Studies For And With LISA." D.N.A.Shaul et al. AIP Conference Proceedings -- November 29, 2006 -- Volume 873, 172-178
- "Length Sensing and Control in the Virgo Gravitational Wave Interferometer." F.Acernese et al. IEEE T. Instrum. Meas.: 55 (6): 1985-1995 DEC 2006
- "The Virgo interferometric gravitational antenna." F.Acernese et al. Opt. Laser Eng. 45 (4): 478-487 APR 2007
- "Measurement of the optical parameters of the Virgo interferometer." F.Acernese et al. Applied Optics, 46 (17): 3466-3484 JUN 2007
- "Gravitational waves by gamma-ray bursts and the virgo detector: the case of GRB 050915a." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S671-S679
- "Improving the timing precision for inspiral signals found by interferometric gravitational wave detectors." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S617-S625
- "Coincidence analysis between periodic source candidates in C6 and C7 Virgo data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S491-S499
- "Analysis of noise lines in the Virgo C7 data." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S617-S625
- "Data quality studies for burst analysis of Virgo data acquired during Weekly Science Runs." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S415-S422
- "Status of Virgo detector." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) S381-S388
- "Status of coalescing binaries search activities in Virgo." F.Acernese et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24 (2007) 5767-5775
- "Low-frequency internal friction in silica glass." F Travasso, P Amico, L Bosi, F Cottone, A Dari, L Gammaitoni, H Vocca and F Marchesoni. EPL. 80 (2007) 50008
- "The real-time distributed control of the Virgo interferometric detector of gravitational waves." F.Acernese et al. IEEE T. on Nuclear Science: 55 (1): 302-310 Feb 2008
- "Data acquisition system of the Virgo gravitational waves interferometric detector." F.Acernese et al. IEEE T. on Nuclear Science: 55 (1): 225-232 Feb 2008
- "Astrophysically triggered searches for gravitational waves: status and prospects." Abbott B, Abbott R, Adhikari R, et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25, Issue: 11, Article Number: 114051 JUN 2008
- "A cross-correlation method to search for gravitational wave bursts with AURIGA and Virgo." Bignotto M, Bonaldi M, Camarda M, et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114046 JUN 2008
- "Status of Virgo" Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P, et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114045 JUN 2008
- "The Virgo 3 km interferometer for gravitational wave detection" Acernese F, Amico P, Alshourbagy M, et al. Journal of Optics a-pure and Applied Optics Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Article Number: 064009 JUN 2008
- "Noise studies during the first Virgo science run and after" Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 18 Article Number: 184001 SEP 2008
- "Virgo status" Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 18 Article Number: 184001 SEP 2008
- "First joint gravitational wave search by the AURIGA-EXPLORER-NAUTILUS-Virgo Collaboration " Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 20 Article Number: 205007 OCT 2008
- "Lock acquisition of the Virgo gravitational wave detector " Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Astroparticle Physics, Volume: 30, Issue: 1 29-38 AUG 2008
- "Search for gravitational waves associated with GRB 050915a using the Virgo detector " Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 25 Issue: 22 Article Number: 225001 NOV 2008
- "In-vacuum optical isolation changes by heating in a Faraday isolator " Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P et al. Applied Optics Volume: 47 Issue: 31 5853-5861 NOV 2008
- "Nonlinear Energy Harvesting" Cottone F, Vocca H, Gammaitoni L. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 102 Issue: 8 Article Number: 080601 FEB 2009
- "Gravitational wave burst search in the Virgo C7 data " Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Antonucci F et al. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085009 Apr 2009
- "Nonlinear oscillators for vibration energy harvesting" Gammaitoni L, Neri I, Vocca H. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 16 Article Number: 164102 Apr 2009
- "Laser with an in-loop relative frequency stability of 1.0x10(-21) on a 100-ms time scale for gravitational-wave detection" Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Antonucci F, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 79 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053824 Published: MAY 2009
- "An upper limit on the stochastic gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin" Abbott BP, Abbott R, Acernese F, et al. NATURE Volume: 460 Issue: 7258 Pages: 990-994 Published: AUG 20 2009
- "Cleaning the Virgo sampled data for the search of periodic sources of gravitational waves" Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Antonucci F, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 26 Issue: 20 Article Number: 204002 Published: OCT 21 2009
- "Low-frequency losses in silica glass at low temperature" Travasso F, Bosi L, Dari A, et al. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 521-22 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 268-271 Published: SEP 25 2009
- "Breaking strength tests on silicon and sapphire bondings for gravitational wave detectors" Dari, A; Travasso, F; Vocca, H, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 27 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045010 Published: 2010
- "Performances of the Virgo interferometer longitudinal control system" Acernese, F; Antonucci, F; Aoudia, S, et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Pages: 75-80 Published: 2010
- "SEARCHES FOR GRAVITATIONAL WAVES FROM KNOWN PULSARS WITH SCIENCE RUN 5 LIGO DATA" Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Acernese, F, et al. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 713 Issue: 1 Pages: 671-685 Published: 2010
- "Automatic Alignment for the first science run of the Virgo interferometer" Acernese, F; Alshourbagy, M; Antonucci, F, et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Volume: 33 Issue: 3 Pages: 131-139 Published: 2010
- "Measurements of Superattenuator seismic isolation by Virgo interferometer" Acernese, F; Antonucci, F; Aoudia, S, et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Volume: 33 Issue: 3 Pages: 182-189 Published: 2010
- "All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo run" Abadie, J; Abbott, BP; Abbott, R, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 81 Issue: 10 Article Number: 102001 Published: 2010
- "Commissioning status of the Virgo interferometer" Accadia, T; Acernese, F; Antonucci, F, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 27 Issue: 14 Article Number: 149801 Published: 2010
- "In-vacuum Faraday isolation remote tuning" Accadia, T; Acernese, F; Antonucci, F, et al. APPLIED OPTICS Volume: 49 Issue: 25 Pages: 4780-4790 Published: SEP 1 2010
- "Predictions for the rates of compact binary coalescences observable by ground-based gravitational-wave detectors" Abadie, J; Abbott, BP; Abbott, R, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 27 Issue: 17 Article Number: 173001 Published: 2010
- "The benefits of noise and nonlinearity: Extracting energy from random vibrations" Gammaitoni, L; Neri, I; Vocca, H. CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 375 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 435-438 Published: OCT 5 2010
- "Noise from scattered light in Virgo's second science run data" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 27 Issue: 19 Special Issue: SI Article Number: 194011 Published: OCT 7 2010
- "Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 82 Issue: 10 Article Number: 102001 Published: NOV 5 2010
- "Automatic Alignment system during the second science run of the Virgo interferometer" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Volume: 34 Issue: 6 Pages: 327-332 Published: JAN 2011
- "The seismic Superattenuators of the Virgo gravitational waves interferometer" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. JOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Pages: 63-79 Published: 2011
- "Calibration and sensitivity of the Virgo detector during its second science run" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025005 Published: JAN 21 2011
- "Performance of the Virgo interferometer longitudinal control system during the second science run" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Volume: 34 Issue: 7 Pages: 521-527 Published: FEB 2011
- "Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 83 Issue: 12 Article Number: 122005 Published: JUN 6 2011
- "Status of the Virgo project" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 28 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114002 Published: JUN 7 2011
- "SEARCH FOR GRAVITATIONAL WAVE BURSTS FROM SIX MAGNETARS" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS Volume: 734 Issue: 2 Article Number: L35 Published: JUN 20 2011
- "BEATING THE SPIN-DOWN LIMIT ON GRAVITATIONAL WAVE EMISSION FROM THE VELA PULSAR" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 737 Issue: 2 Article Number: 93 Published: AUG 20 2011
- "THE VIRGO INTERFEROMETER FOR GRAVITATIONAL WAVE DETECTION" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Antonucci F.; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D Volume: 20 Issue: 10 Pages: 2075-2079 Published: SEP 2011
- "A state observer for the Virgo inverted pendulum" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Astone P.; et al. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Volume: 82 Issue: 9 Article Number: 094502 Published: SEP 2011
- "Directional Limits on Persistent Gravitational Waves Using LIGO S5 Science Data" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 107 Issue: 27 Article Number: 271102 Published: DEC 29 2011
- "All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the full S5 LIGO data" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Article Number: 022001 Published: JAN 5 2012
- "Characterization of the Virgo seismic environment" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Astone P.; et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025005 Published: JAN 21 2012
- "Piezoelectric buckled beams for random vibration energy harvesting" Cottone F.; Gammaitoni L.; Vocca H.; et al. SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035021 Published: MAR 2012
- "Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves" Accadia T.; Acernese F.; Alshourbagy M.; et al. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 7 Article Number: P03012 Published: MAR 2012
- "Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. ASTRONOMY and ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 539 Article Number: A124 Published: MAR 2012
- "Publisher's Note: Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1 (vol 82, 102001, 2010)" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 8 Article Number: 089903 Published: APR 18 2012
- "Publisher's Note: Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown (vol 83, 122005, 2011)" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 8 Article Number: 089904 Published: APR 18 2012
- "Search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescence in LIGO's sixth science run and Virgo's science runs 2 and 3" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 8 Article Number: 082002 Published: APR 19 2012
- "All-sky search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo run (vol 81, 102001, 2010)" Abadie J.; Abbott B. P.; Abbott R.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 8 Article Number: 089905 Published: APR 19 2012
Note interne:
- "Status of monolithic suspension development for Virgo." P.Amico et al. Virgo note (VIR-NOT-PER-1390-164) Dicembre, 2000
- "Fused Silica monolithic suspension R&D: Time scheduling." P.Amico et al. Virgo note (VIR-NOT-PER-1390-171) Febbraio, 2001
- "Proposta per lo studio di sospensioni monocristalline con dimensionalita' micrometrica." Amico, Gammaitoni, Punturo, Vocca, Di Lieto, Cornacchia, Toncelli, Tonelli. Virgo note (VIR-NOT-PER-1390-202) Giugno, 2001
- "Report of the non3 group on E1 data." E.Chassande-Mottin, T.Cokelaer, H.Vocca. Virgo note (VIR-NOT-OCA-1390-197) Marzo, 2002
- "Fused Silica Fibre Pulling Machine. " L.M.Farnesini, A.Piluso and H.Vocca. Virgo note (VIR-058A-07) Dicembre, 2007
Partecipazione a congressi:
- International Summer School on "Experimental Physics of Gravitational Waves"
6-18 Settembre 1999 Urbino (PU)
- Virgo Annual Review
28-30 Giugno 2000 Lione (Francia)
- 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
2-8 Luglio 2000 Universitá "La Sapienza" - Roma
- 3th International LISA Symposium
11-14 Luglio 2000 Potsdam (Germania)
- Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop
14-16 Dicembre 2000 Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA)
- 4th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
8-13 Luglio 2001 University of Western Australia - Perth (Australia)
- Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop
13-15 Dicembre 2001 Trento (Italia)
- 4thGravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop
19-26 Maggio 2002 Isola d'Elba (Italia)
- 4th Physics - Signal - Physics: On the links between nonlinear physics and information sciences
8-13 Settembre 2002, Ecole de Physique, Les Houches (Francia)
- 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
Poster1 Jpeg ,
Poster2 Jpeg
6-11 Luglio 2003 Green Park Resort - Tirrenia (Pi)
- 5th International LISA Symposium
Poster PDF
12-16 Luglio 2004 Noordwijk (Olanda)
- 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
18-25 Luglio 2004 Parigi (Francia)
- Workshop on ionising particle measurements in space
31 Gennaio - 2 Febbraio 2005 ESTEC - Noordwijk (Olanda)
- INFN-SPAZIO/2 - Riunione sulle prospettive della Fisica Astroparticellare nello spazio
16 Febbraio 2005 Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
- Solar, Cosmic ray and Environmental physics, for and with LISA
6 Febbraio 2006 CCLRC - Chilton (UK)
- Workshop on Charging Issues in Experimental Gravity
26-27 Luglio 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA (USA)
- Gravitational Wave Advanced Detector Workshop
12-18 Maggio 2008 Isola d'Elba (Italia)
- LSC-VIRGO Meeting
16-19 Marzo 2009 Caltech - Pasadena, CA (USA)
- Energy Harvesting and Storage
3-4 Giugno 2009 Cambridge (UK)
- 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting
12-18 Luglio 2009 Parigi (Francia)
- PIERS 2009
18-21 Agosto 2009 Mosca (Russia)
- Leonardo da Vinci - Uomo, Genio, Inventore - Dalla Meccanica di Leonardo all'energia alternativa
14 Novembre 2009 Castello di Carnaiola, Fabro (Italy)
- Generazione e storage dell'energia ad elevata "portabilita'"
30 Marzo 2010 Roma (Italy)
- Summer School: Energy Harvesting at micro and nanoscale
1-6 Agosto 2010 Avigliano Umbro (Italy)
- ICT 2010: Digitally Driven
27-29 Settembre 2010 Brussels (Belgium)
- Summer School: Energy Harvesting at micro and nanoscale
1-6 Agosto 2011 Perugia (Italy)
- ZEROPOWER Workshop
26-27 Ottobre 2011 Cork (Ireland)

Referente responsabile per le informazioni pubblicate in questo spazio web:
Dott. Helios Vocca