Corso di Laurea in Fisica Corso di FISICA dell'ENERGIA / The Physics of Energy Prof. Luca Gammaitoni
Programma del corso / Course program il Programma in PDF / Program in PDF: program.
Documenti / Documents Diapositive delle lezioni / Lecture slides - 1 Energy intro - 2 Introduction to thermodynamics - 3 Relaxation processes - 4 Entropy - 5 Random-data I - 6 Random data II - 7 Brownian motion - 8 Friction - 9 Computing Systems I - 10 Computing Systems II - 11 Physics of Switches I - 12 Physics of Switches II - 13 Information theory I - 14 - Information theory II - 15 Physics of Memories - 16 lecture Information is physical? - 17 Energy harvesting I - 18 Energy harvesting II - 19 Energy harvesting III - 20 Energy harvesting IV - 21 Energy harvesting V Letture consigliate / Suggested readings - Chapters from The Physics of Computing, L. Gammaitoni - Textbook: Energy Management at the Nanoscale - Textbook: Random Data - Textbook: Probabilita' in Fisica - Moto Browniano - Article: Physical Limits in computers - Article: Shannon 1948 - Chapter: Kinetic Energy Harvesting
calendario degli esami Consultare il sito del Dipartimento Commissione di esame: L. Gammaitoni, I. Neri, M Mattarelli, F. Cottone