PhD Student in Physics - INFN & University of Perugia, Italy
01/10/2013 - 30/09/2014
INFN - Section of Perugia
30/12/2011 - 29/12/2012
University of Perugia - Department of Physics
01/11/2011 - 31/10/2014
University of Perugia - Department of Physics
31/01/2010 - 29/12/2011
National Institut of Nuclear Pysics (INFN) - National Laboratories of South in Catania (LNS)
University of Perugia - Department of Physics.
Thesis in collaboration between astrophysical group of University of Perugia and ASFIN2 group on National Laboratories of South in Catania.
Title: The 13C(α,n)16O reaction rate. Recent estimates, new measurements through the Trojan Horse Method and their astrophysical consequences.
Topic: Nuclear Astrophysics
University of Perugia - Department of Physics.
Title: Proton-captures nucleosythesisand mixing mechanisms in final evolutionary phases of stars.
Topic: Nuclear Astrophysics.
High School "Jacopone da Todi".
B1 Level.
Curriculum updated on October, 19th 2013
The curriculum vitae cointains formation, professional and didactical activities.
It is in Italian.