(This page will be updated as soon as new offer of Courses and Seminars will be available)
DIdactic activity for students of the XXXV cycle:
PhD Science and Tecnology for Physics and Geology INFN Courses&Seminars
1) Seminars "COLLOQUIA DOCTORALIA" 2019/2020
29 Nov. 2019, 12.00 Sala Riunioni Third floor, Physics Buiding
Prof. Karl-Ludvig Kratz, "Nucleosynthesis of light trans-Fe isotopes in ccSNe: Implications from presolar SiC-X grains" (Host Busso)
5 Dec 2019 15,00 , Aula F, Geology building
Dr. Ernesto Palomba (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, IAPS-INAF), "Ceres: a dwarf world unveiled" (Host: Zucchini)
12 Dec 2019, 9.15 Aula D, Physics Building
Dr. Francesco Pederiva (INFN-TIFPA, Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications) Drilling inside a neutron star with a computer – (Host: Scopetta)
18 Dec 2019 14.30 Aula E, Geology Building
Joan Madurell-Malapeira (Institut Català de Paleontologia), The karst complex from Les Gorges de Villefranche (Eastern Pyreenes): A review on the speleological and paleontological research of the last 10 years, (Host: Cherin)
16 Jan 2020 14,30 Aula F, Geology Building
Costantino Buzi (Sapienza Università di Roma), 3D imaging, morphometrics and statistical approaches to the study of the fossil record (Host: Cherin)
28 Jan 2020 13,30 Aula B, Physics Building
Mateusz Bawaj (INFN- Perugia), Iniezione degli stati squeezed nei rivelatori di onde gravitazionali come metodo di riduzione di rumore quantistico e aumento di sensibilità (Host: A. Santocchia)
4 Feb 2020 15.00 Aula Riunioni - 3rd floor Physics Building,
Dr. Elena Morettini (Becouse Energy Matters) "Energy Transitions in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Host: Cirilli)
18 Feb 2020 11.00 Aula F, Physics Building
Dr. Maddalena Pedio (CNR-IOM Trieste) “Nanostructured materials and their characterization by synchrotron radiation” (Host: Gubbiotti)
25 Feb 2020 13,30 Aula F Physics Building (with buffet)
Dr. Maurizio Mattarelli, UniPG, Elasticità alla scala microscopica (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia)
25 Feb 2020 16.00 Aula Pialli, Geology Building
Dr. Leonardo Alfonsi (Psi Quadro) "Science outreach and public engagement" (Host: Rettori)
19 May 2020 11.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Prof. Giovanni Organtini (Sapienza UniRoma), Physics with (and of) smartphones (Host: Bertucci). In this seminar we will go through the different kind of embedded sensors in the smartphone and illustrate their application in simple physics experiments.
26 May 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Valentina Mariani, UniPG, Fisica del Charm a LHC (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia)
To join the meeting, use this Link:
16 June 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Maura Graziani, UniPG "Misura di elettroni e positroni nei Raggi Cosmici con AMS-02". (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia)
To join the meeting, use this Link:
24 June 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Prof. Pietro Marescotti (Univ. Genova) "Abandoned mine and environmental azards" (Host: Comodi)
30 June 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Matteo Rinaldi, UniPG "Studio teorico della struttura tridimensionale degli adroni, liberi e legati, indagata ad alte energie con sonde elettromagnetiche e forti" (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
To join the meeting, use this link:
14 July 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Keida Kanxeri, UniPG "Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di detector innovativi per dosimetria di fasci terapeutici" (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
To join the meeting, use this link:
15 Sept. 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Mateusz Bawaj, "Iniezione degli stati squeezed nei rivelatori di onde gravitazionali come metodo di riduzione di rumore quantistico e aumento di sensibilità". (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
27 Oct. 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Igor Neri "Studio delle proprietà elettroniche ed ottiche di materiali bidimensionali". (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
24 Nov. 2020 15.00 (On-line seminar) on Microsoft Teams
Dr. Francesco Cottone "Micro e nano sistemi di energy harvesting per l'Internet delle cose" (seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
Dr. Matteo Duranti presenterà "Misura di raggi cosmici nello spazio: progetti, prospettive future e attività in corso".(seminar of the cycle Physics Highligh Perugia PHP-2020, Host: Santocchia).
.. to be completed
2) COURSES 2019/2020
Please contact the proponent for details about content, time and place of the lessons:
Proponent Bruna Bertucci:
Course of 8+4 hours (2 CFU) about “Advanced techniques for data analysis", by Dr. V. Formato, UniPG, 27-28 Nov - 4-5 Dec. 2019.
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about “Cosmic Microwave Background”, by Prof. P. Natoli, Univ. Ferrara, mid December.
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about "Ionizing radiation and space weather" by Dr. Valerio Vagelli (ASI), Mon 18/05: 11:00 - 13:00 + 14:30 - 16:30; Fri 22/05: 11:00 - 13:00 + 14:30 - 16:30 (delivered on-line, because of the COVID-19 lock-down)
Proponent G. Carlotti
Course of 20 hours (3 CFU) “Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Climate”, Perugia - 28 Jan - 20 Feb 2020, by Dr. Paolina Bongioanni Cerlini , CIRIAF (3CFU) (please contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.)
Proponent D. Fioretto
Winter School on Biotechnology 2020, "Epigenetics, living organisms and environment cross-talk", (3 CFU, organized by the "Dottorato in Biotecnologie"), 20-23 February 2020, Biotech Center, Via del Giochetto, Perugia
Proponent Simonetta Cirilli
Short Course GEOSCIENCES IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY: from reservoir characterization to energy transition (3 CFU) April, 2020, by Dr. Elena Morettini Repsol-Ypf, Buenos Aires, (to be re-scheduled on-line, because of the COVID-19 lock-down)
Proponent Maurizio Busso
"Thermo-fluid dynamics for astrophysical and geological applications" Dr. Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu (INAF, Catania) (3 CFU) , May 2020 (delivered on-line, because of the COVID-19 lock-down)
Proponent Maurizio Petrelli
"International Short Course on Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to Earth Sciences" (3 CFU) 20, 21 and 22 May 2020. (WITHDRAWN because of the COVID-19 lock-down)
Proponent Paola Comodi:
Course of 20 hours (3 CFU) about “Spectroscopic and diffractometric methods” by Burla MC., Comez L, Comodi P,. Corezzi S., Paciaroni A., Lessons will start on July 14th and 15th and then will continue according to the schedule that will be agreed with the interested students. (delivered on-line, because of the COVID-19 lock-down)
Proponent Livio Fanò
Course of 15 hours (3 CFU) on Thermal analysis of complex structures, by Francesco Bianchi, RTD-A ING/IND-10, date to be defined (delivered on-line, because of the COVID-19 lock-down) The lessons will be delivered at 9.30-11.30 am, on 16 ,18, 23, 25, 30 june, and 2, 7, 9 july.:
Proponent Livio Fanò
Short Course (di 8+4 hours, 2 CFU) "Statistics tools for High Energy Physics”, Ph.D. Roberta Volpe (UCL CP3 - Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology); 23-29 Sept. 2020, Physics Building. (Access is permitted fulfuilling the requirements and restrictions due to the COVID-19 emergence. Please contact the proponent for further info...).
Proponent Giovanni Carlotti:
5th Italian School of Magnetism (3CFU), Rome, 3-7. Feb 2010 https://sites.google.com/view/aimagn-school-2020/
Proponents Aessandro Paciaroni / Lucia Comez:
XXIV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics on"Applications of X-rays and Neutron Scattering in Biology" Venice, 23-31 January 2020
Proponent Sergio Scopetta:
International Doctorate School in Nuclear Physics “Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2020" (FNHP2020) , Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) in Florence, from February 24 to March 6, 2020.
Proponent Bruna Bertucci:
European School of Instrumentation in Particle & Astroparticle Physics , Technologies and Applications (17 Feb - 13 March) https://www.esi-archamps.eu/Thematic-Schools/Discover-ESIPAP
Seminars "COLLOQUIA DOCTORALIA" 2018/2019
Wed. 21 Nov 2018, 14.30 Aula F - Geology Building
Dr. Omar Bartoli (Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova) “A continent entrapped inside a mineral: nanogranitoids inclusions in metamorphic rocks” – (Host: Comodi)
Wed. 05 Dec 2018, 14.30 Aula D - Geology Building
Prof.ssa Annalisa Martucci (Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università di Ferrara) “Micro and mesoporosity of inorganic materials: ion exchange properties” – (Host: Comodi)
Fri. 14 Dec 2018, 12 Aula F - Physics Building
Dr. Andrey Varlamov (SPIN-CNR Institute) “Physics in the kitchen” – (Host: Petrillo)
Wed. 16 Jan. 2019, 14:30 Aula F - Geology Building
Dr.ssa Emanuela Bagnato “Volcanism and the environment: short-term perturbations, volatile flux and global considerations” - (Host: Cardellini)
Fri. 18 Jan. 2019, 17 Sala dei Notari - City Center
Round Table (Barberini, Melazzini, Nanni Costa, Fioretto) “Biotecnologie, il futuro è qui: come governarlo? (Host: Fioretto)
Thu. 24 Jan 2019, 14.30 Aula F - Physics Building
Dr. Giorgio Schirò (CNRS-IBS Grenoble-France) “X-ray pulses for time-resolved experiments on photosensitive systems I - Principles and instrumentation” – (Host: Comez)
Mon. 28 Jan 2019, 12.00 Aula F - Physics Building
Dr. Giorgio Schirò (CNRS-IBS Grenoble-France) “X-ray pulses for time-resolved experiments on photosensitive systems II - Ultrafast protein structural dynamics” – (Host: Comez)
Fri. 8 Mar 2019, 12.00 Aula F - Physics Building
Dr. Massimo Vassalli (IBF-CNR Biophysics Institute of National Research Council) “Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology” – (Host: S. Caponi)
Fri. 22 Mar 2019, 14:30 Aula F - Geology Building
Dr. Pietro Tizziani “An Overview of use of Advanced SAR Interferometry to monitoring and modeling the seismogenetic and volcanic phenomena” - (Host: Pauselli)
Thu. 4 Apr 2019, 12.00 Aula Pialli - Geology building
Dr. Fabio Trippetta (Sapienza University - Rome) “What can Seismic Velocity tell us about Geology?” – (Host:Mirabella)
Thu. 4 Apr 2019, 15.00 Sala Riunioni - Physics Building
Dr. Sara Buson (University of Wurzburg)“Linking electromagnetic observations to neutrino astrophysics ” – (Host:Cutini)
Thu. 11 Apr 2019, 14.30 Aula C - Physics Building
Dr.Bjorn Wehinger (University of Geneva and Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland) “Thermal diffuse scattering. A novel approach for probing elasticity at extreme conditions ” – (Host:Nazzareni)
Thu. 2 May 2019, 15:00 Aula F- Physics Building
Prof. Giancarlo Franzese (Facultat de Física & Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB), Universitat de Barcelona - SPAIN) "Multiscale Approach for Hydrated Systems: From Nanomaterials to Perspectives for Brain Cancer Treatments" – (Host: Comez)
Tue. 14 May 2019, 14.30 Aula F - Geology Building
Dr. Gabriele Lanzafame (SYRMEP beamline, Elettra Synchrotron, Trieste) “X-ray imaging for geosciences: working principles and applications” – (Host: Zucchini/Comodi/Cirilli)
Wed. 5 Jun 2019, 15.30 Sala Riunioni - Physics Building
Prof. Marco Mazzocco (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Padova)
“Reaction Dynamics Studies at Coulomb Barrier Energies”– (Host: Palmerini)
Wed. 12 Jun 2019, 15.00 Sala Riunioni - Physics Building
Prof. Filippo Terrasi (Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università della Campania L. Vanvitelli)
“A supernova in a tree”– (Host: Palmerini)
COURSES 2018/2019
Please contact the proponent for details about time and place of the lessons:
Proponent Prof. Bruna Bertucci:
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about “Dark Matter” by Dr.Tomassetti, UniPG, end of November;
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about “Cosmic Microwave Background”, by Prof. P. Natoli, Univ. Ferrara, mid December.
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about “Advanced techniques for data analysis", by Dr. V. Formato, UniPG, mid December.
Proponent Prof. S. Cirilli:
Course of 20 hours (3 CFU) “Geosciences in the energy industry”, 4-7 Dicembre, 2018, by Dr. Elena Morettini Repsol-Ypf, Buenos Aires, Argentina (3CFU) (Program)
Proponent Prof. D. Fioretto (PhD in Biotechnology):
Winter School in Biotechnology 5th edition (3CFU), 14-18 Jan. 2019 - Aula 2 - Polo di Biotecnologie - Via del Giochetto - Perugia
Proponent Prof. G. Carlotti:
Course of 20 hours (3 CFU) “Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Climate”, Perugia - 30 Jan - 22 Feb 2019, by Dr. Paolina Bongioanni Cerlini , CIRIAF (3CFU)
Proponent Prof. Paola Comodi:
Course of 40 hours (6 CFU) about “Spectroscopic and diffractometric methods” by Burla MC., Comez L, Comodi P,. Corezzi S., Paciaroni A., Perugia 18-19-20 December 2018, - .11 Jan 2019 and ....
Course of 18 hours (3 CFU) about “Elasticity and Equations of State of Solids for Earth and Material Sciences”, Prof. Ross Angel (UniPavia), Perugia, 6-8 Maggio 2019.
Propponent Prof. G. Anzivino:
Course of 8 hours (1,5 CFU) about “Gravitational Waves” by Dr. Michele Punturo, INFN; April-May 2019 (please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. for more infos).
Proponent Prof. Livio Fanò:
Course of 18 hours (3 CFU) about “Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) - a high energy physics point of view”, by Prof. Paolo Bartalini (CERN, CCNU) , spring 2019
Course of 18 hours + 6 hours hands-on session (3 CFU) about “Front-end electronics and Data Acquisition systems at accelerator experiments”, by Dr. Alessandro Rossi (UniPG) , spring 2019
Course of 20 hours (3 CFU) “International Short Course on Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to Earth Sciences”, Perugia - 5-7 June 2019, by Maurizio Petrelli http://pvrg.unipg.it/laicpms2019/
"Scuola Pialli 2019" (3 CFU) “Seismic interpretation of passive margins - rift tectonics, volcanism, salt versus non-salt systems", Perugia - 1-4 October 2019, by Dr. Stefan Back (RWTH Aachen University),
Proponent Prof. Gianluca Grignani:
LACES2018 School, November 26-December 14 2018, at Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) for Theoretical Physics di Arcetri (Firenze) http://laces.web.cern.ch/Laces/LACES18/index18.html. (6 CFU)
Proponent Dr. Silvia Caponi (IOM-CNR):
XXIII International School of Pure and Applied Biophysics 4-8 Febbraio 2019, Venezia http://tiny.cc/BiophysicSchool-2019 (3 CFU)
Proponent Prof. S. Scopetta:
2019 doctoral school “Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2019”, GGI in Florence, February 25 – March 08 2019 https://www.ggi.infn.it/showevent.pl?id=314 (6CFU)
Proponentt Prof. B. Bertucci
- The INFN School Of Statistics (https://agenda.infn.it/event/16360/). [3-7 giugno 2019]
- Detectors and Electronics for High Energy Physics (https://agenda.infn.it/event/17226/?ovw=True) [1-5 Aprile]
- XXVIII GIORNATE DI STUDIO SUI RIVELATORI (https://agenda.infn.it/event/17213/) [11-15 Febbraio]
- XVI Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics (https://agenda.infn.it/event/17240/) [26-31 Maggio]
Proponent Dr. Lucia Comez
Conference and Course on Frontiers in Water Biophysics (FWB) Erice, Sicily (Italy), from July 21-26, 2019, Directors: Attilio Cesàro, Lucia Comez, Giancarlo Franzese http://www.waterbiophysics.eu/en/
Seminars "COLLOQUIA DOCTORALIA" 2017/2018
Fri. 10 N ov 2017, 14:30 Aula F - Geologia Building
Jeffrey Johnson, Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, USA “Forecasting the paroxysmal eruption of a lava lake at Villarrica (chile) using resonant infrasound tones” - (Host: Cannata)
Wed. 22 Nov. 2017, 9.00-11.00 Aula F - Geologia Building
Prof.ssa Concha Arenas Abad, Univ. of Zaragoza (Spain): "Continental carbonates: Spanish examples" - (Host: Capezzuoli)
Wed. 22 Nov. 2017, 14,30 Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr. Piergiorgio Scarlato (INGV) “L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia nel sistema nazionale di Protezione Civile” – (Host: Perugini)
Thu 23 Nov. 2017, 11.00-13.00 Aula F - Geologia Building
Prof.ssa Concha Arenas Abad, Univ. of Zaragoza (Spain): "Ebro Basin: Neogene evolution of a foreland basin" - (Host: Capezzuoli)
Fri. 1 Dec 2017, 14:30 Aula F - Geologia Building
Prof. Matteo Alvaro, Università di Pavia “An entire rock entrapped in a mineral grain: what can we learn from it?” - (Host: Comodi)
Mon. 4 Dec 2017, 15.00 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr Massimio Cocco, INGV "EPOS (European Plate Observing System): Accesso a dati e servizi per le Scienze della Terra solida" (Host: Mirabella)
Mon. 11 Dec 2017, 15.00 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Prof. Carlo Doglioni, Università La Sapienza, Roma and President of INGV “Geodynamics and seismic risk in Italy” - (Host: Perugini)
Tue. 19 Dec 2017, 9.30-11.30 - Meeting Room VI Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Cristiano De Michele (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) “Coarse-grained modelling and computer simulation of colloidal suspensions – Part 1” – (Host: Corezzi)
Thu. 21 Dec 2017, 10.00-12.00 - Meeting Room VI Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Cristiano De Michele (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) “Coarse-grained modelling and computer simulation of colloidal suspensions – Part 2” – (Host: Corezzi)
Wed. 10 Jan 2018, 14.30 - 17.30 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr. Domenico Grigo (ENI) “Unconventional resources, past and future” - (Host: Minelli)
Mon. 22 Jan 2018, 15.00 - Aula Riunioni - 3rd floor - Physics Building
Dr. Paolina Cerlini (CIRIAF - Perugia) “Research opportunities in the field of Atmospheric Science and Climate” - (Host: Carlotti)
Wed. 24 Jan 2018, 14.30 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Alessandro Frigeri (INAF-IAPS roma) "Geologia Planetaria: Geologia di Cerere dai dati della missione NASA/Dawn"- (Host: Cardellini)
Thu . 25 Jan 2018, 15.00 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Fulvio Mastrogiovanni (DIBRIS- Uni-Genova) "The role of tactile sensing in robotics "- (Host: Perugini)
Wed. 31 Jan 2018, 14.30 Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr. Fabrizio Lirer (Istituto Ambiente marino Costiero, IAMC-NR Napoli) “Paleoclimate oscillation in the Mediterranean area during the last millennia: marine records” – (Host: Rettori)
…. Jan 2018 …… Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof.ssa Meenakshi Narain (Brown Univeristy & CERN) “Current experimental searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model and prospects for the High Luminosity and High Energy options of the LHC” – (Host Panella)
.... ... Feb 2018, .... - Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Cristiano De Michele (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) “Coarse-grained modelling and computer simulation of colloidal suspensions – Part 3” – (Host: Corezzi)
Tue 20 Feb at 15, and Wed 14 at 10 - Meeting room Physics Building
Dr. P. Valente (INFN-Roma1) "Principles and applications of linear accelerators" - (Host: Lubranoi)
Thu 22 Feb at 15, and Fri 23 at 10 - Meeting room Physics Building
Dr. A Variola (LNF-INFN) "Principles and applications of circular accelerators" - (Host: Lubranoi)
Wed. 11 April , 15 - Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof. Marco Radici (INFN, Pavia) “The Electron Ion Collider (EIC)” – (Host: Scopetta)
Wed. 18 April, 14,30 - Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr. Alessandro Frigeri (INAF-IAPS roma) "La missione simulata a Marte AMADEE-18 ed l'esperimento ScanMars". (Host: Cardellini)
Thu 19 April, …… Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof. Wolfgang Wild (CTAO) “A Large European Astronomical Facility: The Cherenkov Telescope Array” – (Host: Tosti)
Thu. 19 April 2018, 15:00 … Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Barbara Negri (ASI, EOS) “Beyond the solar system…searching for a new Earth” – (Host: Bertucci)
Mon. 23 April, 15 ………. Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof. Paolo Bartalini (CCNU and CERN) “Collective effects in small collisions systems” – (Host: Fanò)
Tue. 24 April, 11 . Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Lorenzo Amati, INAF - OAS Bologna, "The Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS)" (Host: Lubrano)
Wed.2 May 2018, 15:00… Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Christina Plainaki (ASI, URS) “ Scientific aspects of planetary space weather” (Host: Bertucci)
Wed. 9 May 2018, 15:00…. Aula F - Geologia Building
Dr. M. Cristina De Sanctis (INAF) “Planets, asteroids and comets: investigation of atmospheres and incoming space missions.” (Host: Perugini)
Wed. 16 May 2018, 15:00… Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Dr. Imma Donnarumma (ASI, URS) “Gamma-ray Astrophysics: results, challenges and perspectives”
Wed. 23 May 2018, 15:00… Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof. Bertucci, “Astroparticle physics: results, challenges and perspectives”
Tue. 24 May, 15.00 - Meeting room Physics Building
Prof. Paolo Bartalini (CCNU Wuhan, CN) "The rich structure of the Underlying Event: what we learnt from the Large Hadron Collider Run I and II" - (Host: Fanò)
Wed. 30 May 2018, 15:00.. Aula F – Geologia Building
Prof. D. Perugini, “ Experimental petrology constraints on planetary differentiation and extraterrestrial volcanism”
Fri. 1 June, 11.00 - Meeting room Physics Building
Dr. N. Cartiglia (INFN-Torino) "Timing layer, 4D- and 5D-tracking in High-Energy Physic" - (Host: Lubrano)
Tue. 12 June, 11.30 Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Prof. Roberto Di Leonardo (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) “The Physics and Engineering of Active Matter” – (Host: Corezzi)
Wed. 20 June 2018, 11.00 - Meeting Room III Floor - Physics Building
Fri. 28 Sept 2018, 11.00 - MAula A - Physics Building
COURSES 2017/2018
Courses - 3 CFU – specifically offered to PhD students by the PhD Board.
Please contact the teacher for details about time and place of the lessons:
- Paolina Cerlini, ;Introduction to atmospheric Physics and Climate”, 22 Jan – 25 Feb 2018
- Claudia Cecchi “Heavy Flavor Physics: esperimenti presenti e futuri, quali prospettive?” (period to be defined)
- Giovanni Carlotti “Introduction to Laser Physics and Guided Optics”, Feb – March 2018
- Michele Punturo (INFN), “Gravitational Waves” – March-April 2018
- Leonello Servoli - “Medical Physics”- March 2018
- Paolo Bartalini - CCNU and CERN “Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), a high energy physics point of view”, April 2018
- Comez-Comodi-Corezzi-Paciaroni-Burla “Spectroscopic and diffractometric methods”, May 2018
- Maurizio Petrelli, “Application of LA-ICP mass spectrometry to Earth Sciences” – June 2018
- Giovanni Chiodini "Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids" September/October 2018
- Emanuele Fiandrini “Fisica dei raggi Cosmici”, 15 Nov – 15 Dec 2018 – 3 CFU from the official course of the Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
- Bruna Bertucci – “Metodi statistici analisi dati” - - Dec 2018 6 CFU from the official course of the Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
Schools and Courses recognised by the PhD Board
- (Proposed by G. Grignani): l corso LACES2017 in Fisica Teorica, il Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics di Arcetri Firenze)
- (Proposed by S. Scopetta) “Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics”. This School will take place at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Florence from Feb, 26 2018 to Mar, 09 2018; Deadline for applications: Dec, 15 2017. http://fnhp-school.mi.infn.it/
- (Proposed by F. Vetere) “Short Course on Magmas, Eruptions and Hazard” – 20-22 March
- (Proposed by R. Rettori) – Scuola di Paleoantropologia 19-24 Feb 2018
- (Proposed by G. Carlotti) 4th Italian School on Magnetism, promoted by the Italian Association of Magnetism (AIMagn) , Torino, Italy, May 21-25, 2018
- (Proposed by G. Minelli) - Scuola Pialli, Oct, 2018
SEMINARS 2016/17
Tue. 23 May, 11,30 am, Sala del Dottorato-Rettorato
Prof. Niels Obers, Director, Niels Bohr Institute di Copenhagen, "Non-relativistic geometry in modern physics"
Wed. 24 May, 3 p.m., Aula A, Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Edificio di Fisica
Dr. Alessandro Nagar, Centro Enrico Fermi & Universita' di Torino, "Onde gravitazionali da sistemi binari coalescenti: sinergia tra approcci analitici e numerici"
Wed 26 April 2017 - time : 2,30 pm - Aula “Ex biblioteca” - Palazzo delle Scienze - Piazza Università:
Dr. Sofia Menconero, (Sapienza, Università di Roma) " Il rilievo 3D: dalle fotografie ai modelli tridimensionali"
Wed 21 June 2017 - time : 10,30 am and 2,30 pm - Aula “Ex biblioteca” - Palazzo delle Scienze - Piazza Università:
Prof. Luis Pomar (Universitat des Illes Balears) "Why do Carbonates Systems buck the trends of Sequence Stratigraphic Models?" and "Carbonate factories through the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic".
Mon 10 april 2017 - time: 3pm - Aula “Ex biblioteca” - Palazzo delle Scienze - Piazza Università:
Prof. Cannata "ICE-VOLC Project: unravelling the dynamics of Antarctica volcanoes".
Fri 07 April 2017 – time 11:00 am - Aula “Ex biblioteca” - Palazzo delle Scienze - Piazza Università:
Prof. Terry Plank, Arthur D. Storke Memorial Professor, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University , "Volatiles and Volcanic Vigor”
Thu 30 march 2017 - time 11 am - Sala riunioni del CNR IRPI, in via della Madonna Alta 126, Perugia:
Dr. A. Pasini, CNR IAA " Modelli a rete neurale per applicazioni climatiche e di impatto."
Students that attend a specific Seminar are invited to get the signature of the Speaker on the yellow Record Sheet to certify the participation and get the relative credits. Each seminar corresponds to 0.3 CFU
COURSES 2016/17
Ph.D. School on Carbon Forms, Paths and Processes – 15-20 October 2017 – Villa Grumello, Como, Italy - 6 CFU
This Ph.D. school is organised by the Ph.D. Course on Chemical, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the Milano Bicocca University (Milano, Italy)
The aim of the School is to present the state of the art of research studying the forms, the paths and the processes of carbon in the Earth in order to address the long-term fate of carbon on the planet. The School will consist of a series of invited lectures, practical sessions, and contributions from participants.
Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars pursuing research related to carbon science are invited to apply by June 15th 2017. All participants are encouraged to present a poster. Please, contact Dr. Carla Tiraboschi (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) for application or application queries.
More information are available on: www.cfpp.lakecomoschool.org website
Scuola Pialli 2017 "Thrust belt geometry and kinematics" 3 th - 6 th October 2017, Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia (Room F, Palazzo delle Scienze building) - 6 CFU.
Scuola Pialli is jointly organized by Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia (Università di Perugia) and the GIGS (Gruppo Italiano di Geologia Strutturale). It aims at training PhD students and young researchers in Geology and Geophysics. The lectures will be held by Dr. Steve Boyer, worldwide expert on Thrust belts.
In the frame of the Scuola Pialli 2017, on friday 6th october, will be organised the "Chuck Kluth" workshop about the "Thrust belt in Italy: from surface to deep geology".
The maximum number of admitted students is 20 and the admission fee is 50 euro. For informations please feel free to contact Giorgio Minelli: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or visit: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=scuola%20pialli
Cycle of Lessons on "Science Communication" – Aula F – Physics Building – 3 CFU
19 June, 10:30 am, Science communication models, an overview. Nico Pitrelli – Sissa Trieste
19 June, 3:00 pm Science, technology and society: an analysis through the 2017 yearbook, Giuseppe Pellegrini - UniPadova
20 June, 10:30 am, An analysis of the development of public engagement events, Leonardo Alfonsi - Psiquadro Perugia
20 June, 3:00 pm, "Here I come". The audience of public engagement events, Leonardo Alfonsi - Psiquadro Perugia
26 June, 10:30 am, From Laboratories to press communication media, Enrica Battifoglia - ANSA
26 June, 3:00 pm, Scientists in public, Stefano Bagnasco - INFN Torino
PhD School on Open Science Cloud - 5-9 June 2017, Physics and Geology Department (Physics building) - 6 CFU
This is the first edition of the "School on Open Science Cloud" (SOSC), jointly organized by the Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnologies
and the Physics and Geology Departments of the University of Perugia. This school aims at training PhD Students and young researchers in Molecular sciences, Physics and IT by use of distributed and cloud computing for research and innovation. Further information is available at the following address: fisgeo.unipg.it/sosc17/index.html
Cerlini Bongiannini : “Physics of Atmosphere”, February/March 2017 - 3 CFU
Vetere "Magmas, Eruptions and Hazard" 28-31 March Short Course on Magmas Eruptions and Hazard third edition - 3 CFU
Petrelli corso di LA-ICP_MS 7-9 giugno 2017, sito https://goo.gl/d25N85, - 3 CFU
locandina https://www.dropbox.com/s/uf9a6kmxncqs20h/LocandinaFinal.pdf
Servoli : “Physics in Medicine”, date to be defined in agreement with INFN - 3 CFU
Chiodini “Geochimica dei sistemi idrotermali”, 20-30 May 2017 - 3 CFU
Capezzuoli-Ghinassi "Pliocene-Pleistocene continental deposits on Northern Apennines", workshop 16-18 June - 3 CFU
Comez - Corezzi- Burla - Comodi “Corso di metodologie spettroscopie e diffrattometriche” , June/July 2017- 3 CFU
Carlotti: “Nanomagnetism” April/May 2017- 6 CFU
Bertucci “Metodi statistici di analisi dei dati” October/December 2017 - 6 CFU
XIV edition of the School: Synchrotron Radiation: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications 18/29 September 2017, Muggia (Trieste). The lecturers will be well known scientists with long standing experience on the use of synchrotron radiation in each specific topic; the lectures will be given in English - 6 CFU
LACES School “Lezioni Avanzate di Campi e Stringhe”, Arcetri (Firenze) Nov 21 – Dec 9 2016 - 6 CFU
School, GGI Lectures on Theory of Fundamental Interactions, 9-27 Jan 2017 Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics Firenze - 6 CFU
Students interested to attend a specific Course are invited to contact the Teacher, in order to get detailed information about the schedule and the program.