A 2-ys. PostDoc at the University of Pisa on Astrophysics
Advertising a two year postdoctoral position at the University of Pisa (Italy) on multimessenger astrophysics. This position is the second that has been opened in the context of the 2012 FIRB Grant "New perspectives on the violent Universe: unveiling the physics of compact objects with joint observations of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation", awarded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education to a multi-institute team involving our group in Pisa and other groups led by M. Branchesi (University of Urbino) and M. Mapelli (INAF Padova). We invite applications in the area of multimessenger astrophysics, focusing on the study of the gravitational waves from pulsars and other astrophysical sources.
The position is expected to begin in October/November 2014, and the deadline for the application is August 29th, 2014.
More information can be found at:
- www.df.unipi.it/~razzano/firb2012/postdocgwpi2014.pdf
and the details on the application procedure at:
- www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2014/fisica/29ago2014/index.htm
- www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2014/fisica/29ago2014/inglese.rtf_pdfcvt.pdf -
Title: "Study and development of data analysis techniques for gravitational wave signals from pulsars and other sources of astrophysical interest". For more details, contact: massimiliano.razzano[at]pi.infn.it.
The position is expected to begin in October/November 2014, and the deadline for the application is August 29th, 2014.
More information can be found at:
- www.df.unipi.it/~razzano/firb2012/postdocgwpi2014.pdf
and the details on the application procedure at:
- www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2014/fisica/29ago2014/index.htm
- www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2014/fisica/29ago2014/inglese.rtf_pdfcvt.pdf -
Title: "Study and development of data analysis techniques for gravitational wave signals from pulsars and other sources of astrophysical interest". For more details, contact: massimiliano.razzano[at]pi.infn.it.